Fat Ketchup

“She is a Fat Ketchup” , he said under his breath as he covered his face with a newsletter, embarrassed that he was saying such a foul, mean phrase. “Fat ketchup” a student beside him repeated, unaware of the shame that the other student was feeling. Fat ketchup – meant as an insult, meant to hurt and meant to indicate the anger, the hurt and the pain that he was feeling. The worst insult that he could come up with at the time, and he meant every word. He didn’t deserve the yelling or the screaming, the insults or the harsh tone. His words were a direct consequence of the bullying and the hurt that he was feeling. 

I have had a heavy week this week. I have seen the impact of an insult on a child, the result of a harsh tone on another human being. I have listened and experienced an intense battle between flesh and spirit. I have witnessed the outcome and sadness of an undeserved punishment. I have seen the look of pain effected by an insult filled with lies. And I have felt the drain of a negative attitude of another. I feel heavy, tired, sad and angry.

There was a cowardice that I felt this week, a feeling of insecurity, a helpless feeling  of not being able to do enough. Was I able to sacrifice my own comfort? Am I able to fear God more than I fear man? Am I willing to battle and face strife daily rather than watch others suffer? I am convicted, but not convinced, perhaps because of the battle occurring the spirit and my flesh. I know i am sounding obscure, confusing even. But really, it is quite simple. It is the war between good and evil. A war, more than a battle, a war that needs strategy. A strategy that begins with prayer.

On Monday night, I prayed about it. On Tuesday, tears were entered into the equation, along with my small group who fought and encouraged me through with prayer. On Wednesday, there were results, grace-ful results, and it was only by the work of the Lord through the power of prayer. Later that night, my heart was heavy, heavy because someone was hurting, and I couldn’t do anything about it. All I could do was pray. Then I realized, that I could PRAY – and what an amazing power that is. That is the best thing I can do, that is more than anything I could have ever done on my own.

To whoever is feeling hurt or betrayed, bullied or insulted. 
Please know how dearly loved you are. I hope that you tell someone, not so that they can stand up for you, or put a stop to it, but so that they can pray for you. There is only One that can heal, and that can change hearts. One that can eliminate evil and bring about justice. And that One is the Lord, Jesus Christ. He has the power. So allow Him to work, allow for His love to conquer, in the same way that is has conquered death and Sin.

Do not give in to the power of negativity, hurtful words or insults. Give power and praise to the One that it is due. There is saving power in the Word of God, power in the name of Jesus. This is the power that has gotten me through this week, that has allowed me to rejoice and give thanks despite the circumstances. This world sucks. There is something better coming. Meditate on His promises, on His word, it is truth after all. See yourself in the way that God sees you. 

He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars, he gives to all of them their names. Great is our Lord and abundant in power, His understanding is beyond measure. The Lord lifts up the humble; he casts the wicked to the ground – Psalm 147:3-6

This song has been such a weapon, a sword if you will in these past couple of weeks. I hope that it encourages you.

I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind. The God of Angel Armies, is always by my side. Whom shall I fear? 


Hello Friend, this is for you:

Over the past couple of weeks I have been extremely convicted of the type of friend I have been, more so – the lack of love that I have shown. If you are reading this now, and you consider me a friend of yours, it is likely that there is a text message or email that I have failed to respond to, a Facebook message that I have yet to acknowledge. Have we been trying to set a Skype date now for weeks or a date to hang out for a couple of months? The worst part is that I have been making excuses: I am horrible at communication and responding to emails, I live in the present and invest my time and energy where I am physically, I’m not good at technology… These excuses are all true, but they are simply things that I need to work on, things that I am able to work on.

I have felt so loved and supported this summer. I have had friends email me to update me on their lives, I have had numerous people text me to ask me how they can pray for me, I have had people approach me telling me that they are praying for me, friends have asked to hang out – wondering where I am, checking up on me occasionally and telling me that they miss me. I have had an undeserving, constant array of support and encouragement this summer, and I wish I could say that I have done the same for them. There is no excuse.

I have felt God’s love pour out on me this summer through my friends – and I am incredibly thankful. I am certainly not proud of my response. My response or lack there of, has not been representative of the love that I have for you as friends, nor the love that I have for Christ. I am not perfect, but because of the Love of Christ in me, I am certainly capable of loving you just as Christ loves me. Is the love of Christ evident in the way that I love others? Is my pursuit of Christ evident in my relationships? Because Christ lives in me, I am capable of so much more – let me show you.

Dear Friend,
Thank you for always loving and encouraging me. Thank you for supporting me when I have not been the easiest person to support. Thank you for being patient for me as I slowly respond to emails and messages. Thank you for being a better friend to me than I have been to you. And thank you for showing me what it means to be a friend and for STILL calling me yours. I am sorry for only receiving love and not giving it. I apologize for taking this friendship for granted, and for not making the effort in the friendship. I apologize for my ignorance and my selfishness. I am going to try to love you as I have been loved. I am going to make a conscious effort to improve the type of friend that I have been. I will ask how I can pray for you and I make more of an effort to keep updated on the news in your life. I will not procrastinate my response to you, but I will intentionally love you by building you up and spending time with you. I will care for you by messaging you when I think of you and when I pray for you. I will remember you when I am living in the present because you are my present, you are my friend. I will allow the love that I have for Christ to be evident in the love that I have for others. I want the love of Christ to pour out into every relationship that I have with you. I hope that you will be able to see the love of Christ in me. Thank you for loving the person that I am – Thank you for being my friend.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”- John 13:34-35